Response to COVOD-19
Greetings to Our Valued Customers, Suppliers, and Friends,
On behalf of our entire team, we wanted to share with you our plan of operation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our priorities are clear – employee health and safety: and business continuity.
First, our hearts go out to those of you that have been infected by the virus. We want to make clear that we remain open for business and are committed to providing exceptional service to our customers. We are continuing to process orders and satisfy the needs of our customers. Our sales and service teams are here to process and /or expedite your orders.
We are aware of the critical role our leading-edge voice, data, and video solutions provide for your business and our communities. We have inventory in stock and a robust supply chain, we are working closely with our supply chain partners to ensure we have on-hand inventory to address our customers’ needs. Presently our resources have not been interrupted and we will proactively advise of any changes.
We have taken the following steps:
- We have provided our employees the facts about COVID-19 and are following published guidelines for social distancing, sanitation, and disinfection of our facilities and products.
- We are disinfecting our facilities and sanitizing all equipment as appropriate.
- We are closely monitoring the situation with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure customer and employee safety, guidance and support.
We’d like to stress this is a fluid situation and we will keep you updated, as we continue to monitor and fine tune our actions.
As we all take extra measures to protect our families and loved ones, we’d like to take a moment to acknowledge our first responders and medical professionals that continue to protect and serve our communities. To those on the frontline and to their families that support them, we thank you for your bravery and continued service during an unprecedented time.
Should you have any questions, please contact one of our representatives directly, or contact us at 800-717-3468 or click here to contact us. We are here to help.
Please take care of yourself and your family, and we will come out of this stronger than ever, together.
Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.
With best regards,
Penny, Mike, and JT
Communications & Electronics, Inc.