• Local 941-497-3468
  • Toll Free 800-717-3468

Our Services

Equipment Repair

Our friendly and knowledgeable service technicians will help facilitate your equipment repairs. We will get your equipment repaired as fast as we can.

Equipment Repair.

Maintenance Agreements

Eliminate surprise repair costs and unplanned bills with a Two-Way Radio Maintenance Agreement from Mobile-One Communications and Electronics, Inc.

Maintenance Agreements.

FCC Licensing

MOBILE-ONE can help you with your FCC Licensing applications and renewals.

Airtime Solutions

Mobile-One Communications ownes and operates a MOTOTRBO digital two-way radio system on the Flodida Gulf Coast Region.

Airtime Solutions.

Two-way Rentals

Looking to rent dependable two-way radios for your next event. We can help, we have a large invventory of Motorola radios available.

Two-way Rentals.